Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Canoa Quebrada Brazil A New Area To Invest But Hurry

Savvy Overseas property investors have come to realise that Brazil is a great place to dip your toe in international real estate investing. In just the last three years investors in Cumbuco Fortaleza Brazil are running round with huge smiles on their faces after investing in beachfront property. The reason for the smiles is that price rises in Brazilian beachfront property in that area have given them 100 per cent capital appreciation. For them investing in off plan pre construction real esate by a beach popular with wind surfers was the right move. I have now discovered another area in Brazil with the same credentials as Cumbuco. This area is Canoa Quebrada in Ceara North Eastern Brazil.

Canoa Quebrada is 165 kilometres southeast of Fortaleza, a city of some 2 million plus. Pinto Martins International Airport, just outside Fortaleza, has direct and connecting flights to Europe and other major cities within Brazil. From there, it's about a two hour drive along the coast to this Brazilian tropical paradise.

Canoa Quebrada beaches are second to none several miles of long, fine-grained sandy beaches with many freshwater lagoons. Like Cumbuco the area is popular with South Americans and is growing in popularity with international tourists. The area around Canoa has much so offer those who like sports and excitement. There is wind surfing, paragliding, sand boarding, diving and cycling, to name but a few. There's a wide choice of restaurants, nightclubs, discos and bars. Getting there is easy than you may think for such a relaxed peaceful paradise. Arriving from Fortaleza there are buses to Canoa Quebrada, however its best to hail a taxi. A beach buggy with driver for 4 people, day-return trip to Canoa will come to about 200real and will take about 2 hours maximum.

Brazilian Real Estate has recently experienced a big boost in its popularity abroad, helped by its robust economic performance and a more active role in the international arena. Its image is frequently associated with a casual and healthy lifestyle, friendly people, and a beautiful combination of rainforest, mountains, and sea. As a consequence, tourism inflows have increased dramatically over the past few years and international property investors are quickly realizing the huge gains that can be made in this fast growing emerging market.

A great indication that you have select the right international real estate market to spend your hard earned money is by following the big multi national. Morgan Stanley's global network of economists, strategists, research and product specialists have specific knowledge to deliver the most informed strategic and investment advice possible. Property investors can now take stock of the fact that such a well informed investor can choose Brazil as a place to invest. Morgan Stanley believes there is pent up demand for residential properties and new builds in Brazil, particularly in Sao Paulo.

Its seems time to get on the internet and find Canoa Quebrada Real Estate and check my predictions that this is a mighty hot place to invest in Brazilian Real Estate.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Why go to Brazil than in other countries to retire?

Brazil is a large country in terms of its size and population but its economy remains competitive with other progressive countries. The country has been striving for excellence and in the past five years has been notable for being energy efficient, its infrastructures and growth in its real estate development. It is safe to say that investing in Brazil is a good idea. The Northeast side of Brazil particularly Ceara and Fortaleza is gaining popularity with retirees. Step-by-step this region of the country is becoming a tropical paradise to foreigners wanting to invest in real estate properties or just simply retire in this lovable country.

The cost of living in Brazil is low thus when retirees from Europe, USA and Canada come here, their money will go a long way to live a favorable life. Retirees from all over the world are coming here also and spend the rest of their life in this impressive country.

The weather in Brazil is one of the main reasons why retirees get enchanted with this place. The country is blessed with pristine and sultry beaches which makes it a perfect ambiance to relax under the sun. A lot of locals and foreigners can be found all day basking on the sand and just chatting their time away. This is the way of living to some of the locals here; they are very warm and friendly and always welcome friends with a hug and kiss. Brazilians' really knows how to enjoy life to the fullest by spending time with friends, sharing good food, and throwing parties from dusk till dawn. Brazil is home to the statue of "Christ the Redeemer" on top of Corcovado Mountain. This shows how Catholicism has greatly influenced the life of the Brazilians'.

The food in this paradise is something that should not be missed as they offer a variety of cuisine and versatility of cooking techniques influenced by European, African, Asian and American tastes.

Brazils' healthcare system is on par with other countries, but it is better to seek healthcare from a private system rather than a public system. This is because public system requires more waiting time and private system gives more excellent healthcare service. Retiring in Brazil has been made easier during recent times than it was before. Brazil visa information is made accessible to everyone and upon completion of requirements; one is free to settle in this country.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ten Interesting Things About Brazil

If ever there were a fun loving people, it is the Brazilians. Here are ten interesting things about Brazil for you to dance around with.

1. Brasilia is the capital of the country. The country's total area is 8,511,965 sq km, and the land area counts 8,456,510 sq km. Brazil territory includes Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha, Atol das Rocas, Ilha da Trindade, Ilhas Martin Vaz, and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo.

2. Brazil is a highly populated country. The population of the country is 186,112,794 at the last count.

3. AIDS is expected to slow the population growth in the country. It is believed to be widespread, but not mentioned much do to bias and stereotypes.

4. The estimated population of Brazil in 2050 is expected to be over 206 million.

5. The languages spoken in Brazil are Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. Portuguese is the official language.

6. The people of Brazil are highly religious. The claim the following religions as their own: Roman Catholic 73.6 percent, Protestant 15.4 percent, Spiritualist 1.3 percent, Bantu/voodoo 0.3 percent, no religion 7.4 percent.

7. Literacy of the people in the country is as follows. From the point of the total population and the gender factor it reaches 86.4% for the total population, 86.1% for males and 86.6% for females (2003 estimation).

8. Life expectancy is 71.69 years in total. Males live for 67.74 years where as females live 75.85 years as of 2005.

9. Brazil is a federative republic. Its currency is the "real" (BRL).

10. Brazil is considered a leader in alternative energy. A vast amount of its electricity is produced through hydropower and much of the vehicle transportation has been converted to ethanol fuel, a biomass product produced from sugar cane. With the transformation, Brazil is now an exporter of oil instead of an importer despite the fact it has nominal oil reserves.

Brazil is a diverse, crowded country with a lot of unique issues. These ten interesting things regarding Brazil represent a primer on the country. To experience the brilliance of the country, you just have to go visit.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brazil Property For Sale In Natal

Having just visited Brazil for the first time I was amazed by how delightful both the country and the people are. It was a great experience enjoying the food, the South American music and dancing, and the lifestyle of the Brazilian countryside and beach resorts. I didn't realize before that Brazil occupies roughly half the continent, and the climate has little seasonal variation since most of the country is located within the tropics. Holidays are a delight in Brazil, with its tropical climate, whether visiting the rainforests or sunbathing on the dozens of white sandy beaches such as Ponta Negra.

Tourism is the most important industry of Natal, and Brazil property for sale in Natal is in great demand. We found great value villas houses and apartments for both investors and residents, both new construction and resale properties, and were surprised at the bargain prices of the condos on the real estate market.

At current prices of properties, this can represent a great value investment for professional investors, where the sun shines all year round. Currency exchange is exceptionally favorable at the moment, making it cheap for foreigners to invest, and the cost of living can be as low as 30% of the cost in the UK/Europe.

Holiday travelers should bear in mind that your passport should be valid for at least three months after the date of your arrival in Brazil. If it will expire within three months of your departure from Brazil get a new one before setting out on your adventure. If your passport states that you are a British citizen you do not need a visa as a tourist if your stay will be less than three months.

If you have ever dreamed of owning a beachfront holiday home in Brazil, come and enjoy carnival time.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Waikiki Beach - The Most Famous Hawaii Beach

Waikiki Beach on the south shore of Oahu is a 1 1/2-mile stretch of white sand. Waikiki Beach is one of the most famous beaches in the world and its natural allure is the aquamarine water lapping the palm-fringed shores. Beachgoers can relax on the sand and gaze at the calm ocean waters and the magnificent Diamond Head volcano looming in the distance, or engage in some water sports. The weather here is always warm (temperature never goes above 90 and below 70degress); the skies, cloud-free.

Waikiki Beach is not as big as most people usually think. Plus, half of the waters are marked off for surfers. Still, it is one of the most sought spot by beachgoers from every part of the world. The ocean waters are clear, and waders could open their eyes underwater without getting stung by salt. The surf breaks are long, making them ideal for tandem surfing and long boarding. Up to some distance of the ocean, the waters are shallow and friendly to children and beginners. Some parts of the beach are rocky, though, so waders have to be cautious where to put their feet.

Part of the attractions of Waikiki Beach is its readily accessible amenities--- all are just a walk away from the surf and the shore. A string of high-rise hotels, historic hotels, restaurants, shops, and the Kapiolani Park front this much-sought beach destination.

Unique Things About Waikiki

Guests are welcomed by the open-armed statue of the Hawaiian hero and "Father of Modern Surfing" Duke Kahanamoku
Waikiki Beach hosts "Sunset on the Beach," a free movie event. The beach becomes an outdoor movie theater- here guests can watch free movies on a 30-foot outdoor screen.
Once a month, it hosts "Brunch on the Beach," too. Island chefs serve delicious foods at bargain prices: Kalakoa Avenue becomes an outdoor café.
It has the Waikiki Aquarium, the third oldest aquarium in the US. This underwater aquarium that served as inspiration for Jules Verne's submarine in the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The white sand of Waikiki Beach was imported from Manhattan Beach, California and Molokai when the beach had erosion problems in the early 1900s.
Off Kaluana Avenue beside the Waikiki Police Department, the Wizard Stones are believed to possess the spiritual force (mana) of four Tahitian priests (kahuna).

Places to Visit in Brazil

Brazil is vibrant and exciting country full of contrasts...from the simple subsistence of the Amazon to the deep rhythms of Rio de Janeiro, the incredible coastline and the fascinating interior.  Brazil will entice you to look for more.

The Amazon Rainforest:  With over 6000 known plant species and a variety of unique wildlife, you can explore the rainforest from an Amazon ecolodge.

The Pantanal:  An enormous ecologically diverse wetland rich with wildlife as the Pantanal is one of the best places to see jaguars, rare blue macaws, armadillos and anacondas. There are over 600 species of birds in the area.

Iguassu Falls:  A series of spectacular cascading waterfalls surrounded by subtropical forest in the south of Brazil. There are 275 cataracts stretching 2 miles with a height of over 300 feet.  Each second, 450,000 gallons of water comes tumbling down the waterfall.  You can take a stroll along raised walkways, take a boat that goes to the base of the falls, or fly over them via helicopter.  If you can, spend the night at the falls, that way you can shoot photographs at different times of the day.  Many clients like to spend one night on the Argentinian side of the falls and one night on the Brazilian side.  On the Brazilian side, the Tropical dos Catarats Hotel offers amazing views of the falls.

Rio de Janeiro:  One of the world's most exciting cities, Rio is spectacularly set between jungle-covered mountains and beach-lined bays. Sights include the towering statue of Christ the Redeemer, Sugar Loaf and the famous beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. We suggest spending 3 nights in Rio if you have the time.

Sao Paulo:  This is the largest city in South America and the thrid largest in the world.  Sao Paulo is known of it's international restaurants, upscale shopping and active nightlife.  A must see is the Sao Paulo Museum of Art. which offers one of the largest collections of impressionist paintings in the world.  March through November are the best months to travel for most of the country, however if visiting the Amazon, we recommend July and August.  

Friday, December 10, 2010

Top Five Beaches of the World

Beaches are the most lovable and excellent place to visit by all the ages of people. There is no condition for visiting the beaches it is one of the beautiful creation of the God. Beaches are places which give the feeling that the sizzling sun is admiring the beauty of the beeches. It is the fantastic place to do the leisure activities because due to the busy schedule no one is getting the time to visit these places with there family so to make them stress free many people visit to the exiting beaches.

Some of the beaches in the world are discussed below:

1. Pink Sand Beach
It is known as the pink sand beach because it is the beach which is covered with sand having a glittery pink color which has tremendous shine when the sun is above it. The best time visit there are December to April during this period of time you can enjoy the activities or the games like Surfing and Snorkeling. There are many cottages there so that no one is going to disturb your solitude and the rooms there have good qualities of luxuries for your comforts.

2. Anse Sourse D'Argent, La Digue
It is a beach which have white sand and really an out standing and amazing beach for those who love to do the photography. The best time to visit here for diving, snorkeling and surfing are May to October, April to May, and October to November. It is one of the expensive splendors in the world that is why considered as one of the best beach to visit and have fun with your family.

3. Ipanema Beach in Brazil
The most liked time to visit this place is summer it is the sunny beach that is why usually people love to wear the small and cool clothes so that they can bear the heat of sun. Those who loved playing in sand then should visit there because the famous sports are soccer and volleyball.

4. South Beach, Miami, Florida
It is mainly famous for the artistic behavior and full entertainment packages for those who love scuba driving and deep sea fishing. To take the fun of all these the best time is in the winter season.

5. Clifton Beach in South Africa
This beach is mainly loved by those who feel affection for sun bathing will surely love to enjoy with their beloved. For the best enjoyment you should carry balmy clothes with you because it is one of the coldest beaches in the world. I hope after reading this article you would love to visit one of the beaches mentioned above.