Saturday, October 30, 2010

Capoeira - Martial Arts to prepare for a Brazilian vacation

And 'generally accepted that, if you have something in common with people of your destination, you will have no problem connecting with the locals. Surf in Australia, Cricket in India, the tango in Argentina, there is always a lively discussion around the corner, if you're a lover or a practitioner.

One of the great passions is Brazilian Capoeira (cap-and-a-porter), a mix of martial arts and dance that developed some time after the 16th century by African wasThe slaves in Brazil. Under the watchful eyes of their captors, the slaves developed a way of fighting techniques in a traditional masked dance their practice. Capoeira in Brazil is spreading rapidly in 1970 and is currently practiced in the state of the world in a variety of forms from its original.

If you prefer, you can break some things in common with either an interview or Brazilian jogo (game or the game), here are some suggestions for goodpreparations.

Listen to Brazilian music and some dancing
Brazil has a rich culture of music and dance, if you have something that is, two left feet should try to learn to lose. Being together with a group of friends and check a local Brazilian music, or even put a little 'samba dancer at home if you can not bear the thought of your moves shown in public.

Build strength in your body
Capoeira is a very physical dance with constant, fluid motion andFighters often on their hands as their feet, so try some regular exercise to build some strength. be handstand pushups and cartwheels will be helpful. If you do a martial arts available, try to personalize the music of a permanent movement.

Learn more about musical instruments and the label of 'game' to Capoeira
A lot or a "game" is not only the dancers, musical instruments and singing plays an important role in changing how the game can experiencedepending on the tempo of the music and all movements are synchronized with the band. driven with various elements of the game with different songs, you get much more from the experience with a little 'research. You probably want to know, because both fighters can start walking in circles (Volta ao mundo a) because they oscillate around a triangle model step (Ginga), or just another fighter signals for a ritual in the game (a chamada). For a full explanationthe habits, conditions and elements of Capoeira to check Wikipedia.

Attend a class or to try to get some video on-line tutoring on basic moves
Once something clear about the complexity of the dance, you can try to master the basics. If you turn up to class with some experience under your belt, rather than try to search the Internet for some instructional videos, many of them. If you prefer useful to start with capoeira, under the eye of an instructor, see your localAds for a class and get signed. As with any dance or martial arts, is an effort worthy of a few months and regulated by turning to each class, the results are only over time and often, dedicated to the practice.

If you've done all the way at this point, you have enough knowledge under your belt Capoeira in a conversation with someone who runs with the typical uniform of white pants and t-shirt. From there, who knows where yourcould lead to holiday in Brazil!

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